Saturday, July 19, 2008

arent they gorgeous? :)

I've decided to dedicate this post to the two people who i think is so damn hot now. I'm not sure whether this is good or not but who cares right? As long as I think they're hot thats all that matters. Anyways, the two people im talking about are Rafael Nadal & Gerard Butler. HEHEHEHE.. Im bored now so bear with me.. This helps unbore me so i guess its good..

Before that, this past few months has been hell for me.. I decided to lose you since February and why are you still hanging on?? I mean, you tell me you're trying and i think thats the biggest bullshit ive ever heard cos you're not trying at all and i know it. How can you be trying when you call me everyday. You think you're gonna get over it like that??!! Dream on! I'm so scared to go anywhere now because of you. Does this make you happy?? For crying out loud, get a bloody life and stop acting like such a loser. You dont know how stupid you look now in front of my friends and especially in front of my family. And you know what?! I didnt even have to do anything cos you did it all by yourself. And if thats what you decide to be and do then so be it cos your not my problem anymore. I've never felt more happier and free and I'm not regreting it even one bit. Good riddance. God Bless!

Anyways, onto the brighter side of things. My practical will be ending officially on the 31st July 2008. To imagine that i've been at Hyatt since 1st February 2008 is crazy! Has it been that long? I have no idea as well of how I'm gonna feel at the end of it but i do know i feel one thing which is scared! Scared cos i seriously do not know what is in front of me after this! Hopefully I'll have the courage to stand up against one kind of a world that we live in now. Pray for me.


Anonymous Kim said...

It is fascinating to note how the tremors literally floored every second building. We are truly a chain of individual thoughts that comprised many ideas. That was Texas, I am moving into the Northeast corner of New Mexico, to make my way into Colorado.

November 14, 2012 at 8:48 AM  

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